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Container freight rates go 0.9% up in week 720 Feb 2024 / ChemCourier. Polyolefins Market Weekly / ChemCourier. PVC Market Weekly / prices & market situation

The Global Container Freight Index increased by $30, or 0.9%, week on week to $3,423, according to the Freightos Baltic Index (FBX).

On the route from China/East Asia to North America’s West and East Coasts, shipping fees rose by $30, or 0.6%, to $4,889 and by $175, or 2.7%, to $6,764, respectively, over the week.

Charges for a container transported from China/East Asia to Northern Europe dropped by $110, or 2.3%, to $4,587 that week

The carriage of goods from Northern Europe to North America’s East Coast appreciated by $245, or 16.6%, to $1,724 over the week.

All the above rates are for a 40-foot container at the end of the seventh week of 2024.


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